The most expensive egg in the world, the Fabergé coronation eggs from the collection of the Russian Tzarz, the Romanovs, has been valued at over 50 million dollars!!!. Conventional chicken eggs are definitely not that pricey yet they still can be priceless during Easter.
Poland's got... eggs!
Poland is among the leading producers of eggs in the European Union. Our average Polish hen lays approximately 200 eggs per year. The biggest number of eggs is produces in Greater Poland and in Mazovia - about 50% of the national output. However, according the to Chief Statistical Office, Poles are eating fewer and fewer eggs. Average consumption per person dropped to 12.8 in 2010 and to 11.6 in 2016. Nevertheless Easter is still characterised by the increased demand for this product.
Coloured eggs galore
The Easter rush can be experienced during family discussion or the frenzy of cleaning, yet it is particularly visible in shops and supermarkets. Coloured eggs, Easter bunnies or sugar lambs decorate shop windows long before the Easter week. Consignees prepare sizeable orders and producers and distributors tap into extra resources in order to meet the market expectations.Taking into account the jump in order volumes, it is a particularly busy period for production and for logistics. As a logistics operator, we are well aware of the pre-Easter reality and, together with our customers and their clients, we take care of distribution and we support businesses in special campaigns they run. On many occasions we are asked to reserve warehouse space or to prepare promotional sets. Our teams label goods, attach coloured eggs or Easter wishes. Thanks to such services our customers have no problems with mustering resources during the so-called Easter peak. Thanks to serving various product groups which have their peaks at different times of year, Fresh Logistics Polska is able to use their warehouse capacity in an optimal manner. During Easter, our warehouses and trucks are filled with eggs which have the high priority status at that time.
Caution - eggs on board!
Sets of eggs prepared in proper conditions are loaded on trucks and they set off to their destinations. What are ‘proper conditions’ for eggs? Transport of eggs is subject to specific requirements concerning foodstuffs. They were set out in the decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development dated February 20, 2003, on specific veterinary conditions required for production and processing of eggs (Journal of Laws dated March 28, 2003, no 2003.52.461). According to the act, unit packagings and transport packagings must be clean, dry, undamaged and shock-resistant, made from a material which will protect eggs against foreign odours and other factors which could impact the health quality of eggs. Apart from that, means of transport must protect cargo against rain and snow, frost, direct sunlight and contamination. The crucial aspect for the logistics operator is securing goods and ensuring correct packaging, particularly for groupage deliveries when goods are handled several times. It is clear that eggs are fragile and they need special care during transport and warehousing. Egg producers are aware that appropriate securing of goods eliminates the risk of damage. It is also important to maintain the so-called cold chain in transport and in the warehouse. Fresh Logistics Polska controls temperature of transported goods at every stage of the supply chain. We are responsible for the quality and safety of stored and transported goods so that the end customer could enjoy the freshness of Easter delicacies. What it comes to operations, preparations start already two or three months before Easter. Delivery schedules and advice times are agreed long in advance. Customers who use our services don’t have to worry about costs of demurrage or working hours of drivers and warehouse workers in this difficult pre-Easter period.Easter is a challenge and a specific test of each logistics operator. After all, what could we say to our kids if they saw no coloured eggs in the Easter food basket? Companies which transport and store food products bear great responsibility for the quality and safety of food. That is why Fresh Logistics Polska makes every effort to deliver your Easter delicacies to the shops near you.
Co-author - Ewa Chwiłkowska, Sales & Marketing Specialist, Fresh Logistics Polska
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