The list of the most CSR-committed companies in Poland - the Ranking of Responsible Companies - was announced on June 5, 2020. Raben Group was included in this responsible group on the second place in the sector ranking: “services, commerce and transport”, and on the third position in the general classification. The award ceremony, due to the pandemic, took place in virtual space.
It has been the 14th ranking in which the largest companies in Poland are evaluated in terms of the quality of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) management. The ranking covered 74 businesses. On behalf of Raben Group, the award was accepted by Jakub Krzewina, Group CSR Manager, Raben Group:
“Thank you on behalf of the Board. We're very happy with the awards. All the more so because a year ago one could get the impression that we “got winded”. However, it also proves that corporate social responsibility is not about campaigns and short-term activities, but it is rather a long-term process. Therefore, I would also like to congratulate not only the other winners, but all the companies which regularly participate in this ranking, since it proves that CSR issues are important for them. I would also like to express my personal hope that the world will finally be ready to take such decisive actions to combat the climate crisis as it is now taking in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Raben Group will do its best to support these efforts in the coming years and, naturally, to keep its position in the RRC as a result.”
Raben Group has been undertaking and promoting activities in the field of corporate social responsibility for many years now. Corporate social responsibility is an inherent part of the DNA of the family company based on a system of values. Even before the first GRI guidelines were published, the company was involved in charitable activities, but above all, it always actively supported local communities. Its vision talks about being the trendsetter in the sector in giving the additional value through sustainable solutions. Raben has been pursuing the sustainable development strategy since 2010. It has a comprehensive approach to the concept of CSR and it integrates socially responsible activities with three key directions set directly in the business strategy. Our path to responsibility is also set by the road signs correlated with the UN sustainable development goals, which the company decided to support with its activities.
“We want every kilometre covered by our trucks to bring us closer to a better future and social welfare. Therefore, every year we invest in more efficient and environmentally friendly transport solutions, w plant trees neutralizing tons of CO2, and we also transport thousands of pallets for Food Banks free of charge. We believe that it will help us actively support the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals: responsible production and consumption, economic growth and climate action. Responsible transport is necessary.” – says Ewald Raben, CEO Raben Group.
The Ranking of Responsible Companies is the only list of companies operating in Poland assessed in terms of the quality of corporate social responsibility (CSR) management. The partner of the RRC is the Forum of Responsible Business. The substantive partner responsible for the review of responses is Deloitte, while the media partner is Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. The authors of the ranking are Professor Bolesław Rok of Entrepreneurship and Positive Impact Research Centre at Koźmiński University and Jarosław Horodecki, an analyst.
“We have been discussing corporate social responsibility in Poland for over twenty years.” - comments Prof. Bolesław Rok from Leon Koźmiński Academy, co-authro of the Ranking. - “The discussions are getting more and more interesting, but the real, profound changes in the attitudes of the majority of market participants are still to be seen. Among several thousand large companies on the Polish market, which have been developing dynamically for years, only fewer than 100 have participated systematically in the recent editions of the Ranking of Responsible Companies. If other major initiatives in this area are also taken into account, it is likely that this number will rise to 200, i.e. a few percent of the total number of large enterprises.”
In total, over 200 companies operating on the Polish market have already participated in the Ranking of Responsible Companies. The ranking makes it possible to compare results in particular areas of CSR between companies, and it is a valuable instrument facilitating the structuring and development of corporate responsibility strategies.
All information about the results of the ranking are available at
More information on CSR activities undertaken by Raben Group can be found at:
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Klaudyna Polanowska - Skrzypek
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+48 61 898 8307