For Raben Germany, 2017 has been marked by preparations for the launch of its own transport network planned for the beginning of next year. Since the market entry in 2005 in Germany, Raben has continued to develop. The company now is ready to provide nationwide transports using its own structure from the beginning of 2018. The independent network of Raben Germany is now based on 29 network locations. In less than 15 years after the appearance on German roads, around 3,000 employees work for the national company in the Federal Republic of Germany in order to meet the requirements of the customers.
Daniel Rösch, Managing Director of Raben Germany, gives an outlook for the new product that the company will be offering to its customers from the beginning of January 2018: "We feel 100% prepared for this demanding task. With our own network we can offer our customers high quality of service. The flat structure, great flexibility and the quick decision-making process ensure efficient forwarding operations at a reasonable cost"In the past two years Raben Germany has positioned itself through organic growth and targeted acquisitions to meet the challenges of freight forwarding independence in the general cargo business. Since the turn of 2016/17, among others, the transport and logistics companies Exice GmbH and RLZ Baden GmbH, a depot of SCHMALZ + SCHÖN Logistik Gruppe in Kamen in North Rhine-Westphalia, the freight forwarder Busse Logistik and the former Rhenus site in Fellbach have been added for Raben network. These and other acquired companies were integrated into the German business unit Raben Group. "As a logistics service provider, we want to support the ambitious economic goals of our customers with tailor-made products. All of our efforts, like increasing the number of branches to a total of 32 since last December, are subordinate to the goal of providing very good services,” - says Daniel Rösch - “In addition to investments in qualified employees, around 2,000 trucks and the corresponding IT and warehouse infrastructure, we also constantly improve our processes. In the innovations department of Raben Group, the GeniusLab, for example, we deal with the requirements of the increasingly digital economy. We are therefore optimally prepared for future tasks."